Toasties to the Rescue for Raynaud’s Phenomenon

May 10, 2022

Have you heard of Raynaud’s Syndrome? For winter lovers everywhere it’s a less than ideal phenomenon that causes your hands and feet to react harshly to the cold. Raynaud’s is a common condition affecting millions of people and is caused due to reduced blood flow to the extremities, including hands, feet, and even the ears and nose.

Our Toasties can help lessen the symptoms of Raynauds, which range from cold hands or feet, fingers and toes turning very pale (even blue in extreme cases), and often resulting in numbness or a painful sensation. One of the simplest and most effective ways to help combat Raynaud’s when adventuring outside is to be proactive and preventative, dress for the weather, layer up, and make sure to have a pair of our Toasties ready to activate for hours of protective warmth.

Toasties are here to help you enjoy winter and relieve the symptoms that can get in your way. Embrace the Cold and Stay Toastie with us!

*Those who are affected and suffer from Raynaud’s may experience a range of symptoms from mild to severe. Always discuss the best options for treatment with your doctor. Toasties are a product designed to help only.